Monday, April 30, 2007

Bridge from Platypus Island

Seating bridge from Platypus Island to farm residence.

Bridges to Platypus Island

Platypus feed, cavort and play mating rituals around their Island. There are three bridges.

The green keeper........

When the Wollemi Pine and Salmon Groves are established the green keepers will eventually do themselves out of a job.....except for the open space driveway.

A Wollemi Pine Grove for children, grand and great-grand children to enjoy.

A young 600mm high Wollemi Pine ready for planting in a grove with his mates on the 9th of June 07. Each Wollemi Pine marketed has an individual patented # Wollemi Pine 'Certifying Certificate' an A5 booklet and A3 sized growing chart.

Wollemi Grove Fractal Landscape Schematic

The Wollemi Pine Grove Landscape schematic appears to show many trees because the Wollemi Pine has the unique 'Coppicing' growth of multiple trunks from its base. Wollemi grove on the left (west) and Salmon Gum grove on the right (east), with Mt Mellum to the North......the reality may take 50 years but.......from little things big things grow.....The fractal forms of the residence and landscape canopy are self-similar to and multiscaled from Mt Mellum's concave form. The expected 20m high Wollemi pine canopy swoops down to the 300m long by 10m wide open-space access way then curves over the Salmon Grove. Ground level vistas to special features and a 6m diameter, 20m high chimney centered inside the Wollemi Pine grove, should be attractors amongst 1250 plantings of multiple tree varieties.

Thursday, April 12, 2007 ground level........

A young Fig tree (ficus), spreading its autumn growth....

......the end of the beginning......

Like the song about Vincent Lingiari 'From Little Things Big Things Grow' so do farm crops, ideas, children, communities and nations and we hope the latter three with integrity.